
Renormalization of the mass of an electron is studied within the framework of the Extended Holstein model at strong coupling regime and nonadiabatic limit. In order to take into account an effect of screening of an electron–phonon interaction on a polaron it is assumed that the electron–phonon interaction potential has the Yukawa form and screening of the electron–phonon interaction is due to the presence of other electrons in a lattice. The forces are derived from the Yukawa type electron–phonon interaction potential. It is emphasized that the early considered screened force of (Kornilovitch (1998), Spencer et al. (2005), Hague et al. (2006), Hague and Kornilovitch (2009)) Refs. [7,18,19,22] is a particular case of the force deduced from the Yukawa potential and is approximately valid at large screening radiuses compared to the distances under consideration. The Extended Holstein polaron with the Yukawa type potential is found to be a more mobile than polaron studied in early works at the same screening regime.

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