
The purpose of the article is to study the history of the emergence of the mass media of the indigenous peoples of the Far East and their current state. The author examines the factors of formation, functions and purpose, formal and substantive features, the main trends in the development of mass media of the indigenous peoples of the Far East in the context of the political, economic and socio-cultural situation of the XIX - XXI centuries. The geography of the study covers the entire Far Eastern Federal District and includes an analysis of the content of ethnic media operating on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Republic of Buryatia, the Khabarovsk Territory, the Sakhalin Region and other subjects of the Far Eastern region. The research, being philological in essence, is based on an interdisciplinary approach, synthesizing knowledge of various sciences: theory and history of journalism, ethnography, ethnology, cultural studies. General scientific methods (descriptive-analytical, system description, classification construction method), as well as special methods (historical, comparative, content analysis method), elements of the synchronic and diachronic method were used as the main research methods. The history of the formation of ethnic media and the problem-thematic originality of the national media of the Far Eastern region have not yet become the object of a comprehensive study of domestic scientists. The novelty of the work consists in a comprehensive study of the mass media of the indigenous peoples of the Far East in the historical and typological aspect, clarifying the qualitative characteristics of the Far Eastern media in the context of the formation of an actual structure of regional journalism.

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