
Media information presentations and nature of mass communication contents from long ago are not the fruit of simple collecting and describing activity which gives only elementary reports and descriptions of social life. An array of modern social living actors enabled media activities to transform their own communication and information content from a pure collecting and describing emulsion into a purposeful social activity, into a human activity. Communication and information content and the media practice upgraded and constituted itself as more than a collection of facts, more than describing events. Specifically, the media and their communication and information content gained influential and value standardization, concentrating within the sole modern activity, which will emphasize and affirm the need for ethical struggle of humanity. We can talk about activity that will emphasize and nurture cognitive, moral and research capacity of its contemporaries but also about a profession that will advocate a change (revolution or evolution) of political and economic forms of social organization, governance and production of forms that would alienate man from his own nature, which are inhumane regarding universal ethical standards.   Therefore, today the mediological-journalistic work entirely with sovereignty and value equally spreads interestingness, exclusivity, importance, poignancy or the virtues of ethical action and lessons. The moral of the fable, the moral lesson of the myth, the ethical message of literature in the age of information and the informatics society, in the era of globalization, have lost primacy to pass and spread a moral idea or concept. Media and communication and information systems are tied to morality. On the one hand, the media preparation of reporting should follow morality as deontology through standards of discovering, collecting, defending and placing the truth, the information to the public, but also, on the other hand, the media structure should affect the production of morality, that is to give moral significance to the message, and ethical doubt to the social events themselves. Since media are creators of morality, a research of the media coverage about some of the contemporary moral challenges, is totally justified. The analysis of the communication content in informing about the legal possibility of homosexual marriages, as well as the possibility of adoption of children by same-sex spouses, formally legal ban on abortion, despite formally legal permission of euthanasia may nominate how and to what extent Macedonian information systems contributed to the bio-ethical and thanato-ethical moral scandals of the established moral conscience and consciousness.

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