
We consider a homogeneous Bose-Fermi mixture, with the boson-fermion interaction tuned by a Fano-Feshbach resonance, in the presence of mass and density imbalance between the two species. By using many-body diagrammatic methods, we first study the finite-temperature phase diagram for the specific case of the mass-imbalanced mixture $^{87}$Rb $-^{40}$K for different values of the density imbalance. We then analyse the quantum phase transition associated with the disappearance at zero temperature of the boson condensate above a critical boson-fermion coupling. We find a pronounced dependence of the critical coupling on the mass ratio and a weak dependence on the density imbalance. For a vanishingly small boson density, we derive, within our approximation, the asymptotic expressions for the critical coupling in the limits of small and large mass ratios. These expressions are relevant also for the polaron-molecule transition in a Fermi mixture at small and large mass ratios. The analysis of the momentum distribution functions at sufficiently large density imbalances shows an interesting effect in the bosonic momentum distribution due to the simultaneous presence of composite fermions and unpaired fermions.

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