
The mass function of dark halos in a Λ-dominated cold dark matter universe is investigated. We analyze 529 output files from five runs of N-body simulations using the friends-of-friends cluster finding algorithm. All the runs use 5123 particles in the box size of 35-140 h-1 Mpc. Mass of particles for 35 h-1 Mpc runs is 2.67 × 107 h-1 M☉. Because of the high-mass resolution of our simulations, the multiplicity function in the low-mass range, where the mass is well below the characteristic mass and ν = δc/σ 1.0, is evaluated in the present work, and it is well fitted by the functional form (ST) proposed by Sheth & Tormen. However, the maximum value of the multiplicity function from our simulations at ν ~ 1 is smaller, and its low-mass tail is shallower when compared with the ST multiplicity function.

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