
Introduction. Following the collapse, or rather self-liquidation, of the Soviet Union-USSR world events began to develop at a kaleidoscopic speed. Europe, Russia and the United States ceased to be central actors in global politics. Huge civilization countries such as China, India and the African continent broke into global politics with ever-increasing power. The united bloc of Islamic countries began to make aggressive claims to the entire world community, and especially to the countries of Christian civilization. And the most important and unexpected thing is that the peoples, nations, communities everywhere began to return to their civilizational, religious and spiritual roots.Materials and methods. Various methods such as comparative law, systemic, logical analysis and other methods were used in writing this article.The results of the study. The attempt to globalize the world by the socio-political criterion “capitalism socialism” failed. The world community, or rather its political, economic and intellectual elite, was given a clear message: ideologies of all kinds communism, fascism, nationalism, socialism eventually undergo transformation, split into sub streams and practically disappear, but the world religions and civilizations remain.Discussion and conclusion. The world globalized spontaneously and naturally, with financial, economic, political and technological dimensions playing the major role. At the same time globalization laid the foundation of new contradictions among countries that enjoy different social, economic levels of development and belong to various civilizations. Moreover, the interests of civilizations living in different time dimensions began to clash, like Islam that lives in 1441 and other countries that have been living in the 21st century for the second decade. The ideology of multiculturalism both in Western Europe and in the USA turned out to be unrealizable in practice, just like the communist ideology that has sunk into oblivion.


  • Rather self-liquidation, of the Soviet Union-USSR world events began to develop at a kaleidoscopic speed

  • Russia and the United States ceased to be central actors in global politics. Huge civilization countries such as China, India and the African continent broke into global politics with ever-increasing power

  • The attempt to globalize the world by the socio-political criterion “capitalism - socialism” failed

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Роберт Енгибарян*

Чаще начали сталкиваться интересы цивилизаций, живущих в разных временных измерениях, например, как ислам, где на календаре сегодня 1441 г., и другие страны, которые уже второе десятилетие живут в XXI веке. В значительной части мира шло строительство национальных государств, то уже с середины XX в., особенно после окончания Второй мировой войны, большинство стран в Европе (а США еще раньше) стали наднациональными. Что если бы Барак Обама не объявил себя верующим христианином, то каким бы талантом политического шоумена он ни обладал, он вряд ли смог бы набрать больше 3% голосов избирателей (как раз эти 3% составляет доля мусульман в населении США). Но вне зависимости от того, на южных или северных широтах живут эти и другие христианские народы, различия далеко не столь принципиальны, как те, что отделяют их от народов, исповедующих ислам. MASS AND UNCONTROLLED IMMIGRATION AS A THREAT TO THE CIVIL, LEGAL AND CIVILIZATIONAL STABILITY IN WESTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES AND RUSSIA

Materials and methods
Discussion and conclusion
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