
Location: Dewberry Hall Many scholars agree that quality faculty-student interactions have positive implications on the overall student experience (Komarraju & Bhattacharaya, 2010; Micari & Pazos, 2012;). Elements of quality faculty-student interactions include accessibility, caring attitude, approachability, and many more (Cokley, Komarraju, Rosales, Pickett & Patel, 2007). Student development scholars indicate that quality faculty-student interactions are instrumental to interpersonal and intrapersonal student development (Tinto, 1975). Although teaching and research are the main components of a faculty role, advising naturally folds into this nature of work. The goal of the poster presentation is two-fold, and it aims to (a) inform Faculty of the Mason Academic Advisor Network (MAAN), and (b): provide resources that are designed to assist Faculty in regards to advising. Examples of resources that will be discussed include the following: The Mason Advisor Certificate Program (MAC), Webinars presented by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), and MAAN informational sharing platforms. MAC is a 6 module training series for faculty and advisors on topics related to student success, policy, and advising tools. The training series is comprised of the following modules: Academic Advising Foundations, Academics and Undergraduate Policy, Advising Tools and Resources, Building Rapport with Students, Working with Special Populations, and Transfer Admissions Policies and Procedures. Modules are offered every semester and they are taught by expert advisors at Mason. The NACADA professional development webinars include topics such as building self-efficacy within students and the Advising as Teaching Model. Participants will learn more about the advising resources that are provided by the Mason Academic Advisor Network which can inform their work/interactions with students. Faculty will also benefit from this resource by learning about our informational share opportunities, professional development webinars, and cross campus collaborations that will ultimately cater to holistic student development. https://advising.gmu.edu/mason-advisors/maan/

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