
This study aimed to determine the effect of methyl testosterone natural hormoneon the rate of masculinization of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The study used 270 tilapia larvae with the age of 7 days as experimental animals. Tilapia larvae were divided into 3 treatments; eachtreatment consisted of 30 larvae fish. This study was an experimental study using completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 3replications. Treatment I as control group was fed with pellets ad libitum, treatment II was given feed containing methyl testosterone naturalhormone, and treatment group III was given hormone treatment by soaking the fish larvae with methyl testosterone natural hormone for 20hours. Larvae were raised in accordance with applicable procedures. Observation was conducted when the larvae fish were at 60 days old andthe sex of fish can be observed. Parameter examined was the percentage of the male sex. The average (± SD) percentage of male tilapia in groupPI, PII, and PIII were 36.39±3.97, 66.72±6.13, and 82.37±6.87%, respectively. The results showed that the percentage of male sex of tilapia fedwith natural hormone of methyl testosterone through the diet and dipping was significantly different (P0.05) from control fish. In conclusion,the administration of natural hormone of methyl testosterone increased the percentage of the male sex of tilapia).____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Key words: tilapia larvae, natural hormone methyl testosterone, the male sex percentage


  • Fowl cholera is an infectious bacterial disease that is widespread in poultry in the world caused by Pasteurellamultocida

  • Poultry become more sensitive to the disease on advance age of chicken and on laying chicken

  • Fowl cholera is asepticemic disease characterized by high morbidity and mortality rates, usually runs an acute, but in an endemic area the poultry is less sensitive to this disease,it was grouped to chronic disease

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Jurnal Medika Veterinaria

Hewan yang sakit akan mengeluarkan kuman terutama melalui kotoran atau fesesnya. Kuman yang masuk ke dalam tubuh ayam akan berkembang biak terutama dalam saluran pencernaan penderita. Kuman yang telah berkembang biak dalam usus selanjutnya masuk ke dalam sirkulasi darah melalui vena mesenterika menuju organ-organ predileksinya, seperti paru-paru, jantung, hati dan ginjal. Unggas yang pernah menderita penyakit ini dan kemudian sembuh dapat dicurigai sebagai karier/ pembawa. Lalat dan rakun dapat menjadi vektor dari kolera unggas penularan penyakit (Anonimus, 2009). Perubahan anatomi pada organ-organ penderita yang terserang kolera unggas ini yang paling mencolok adalah pada jantung, baik pada epikardium, miokardium, maupun pada endokardium tejadi perdarahan yang berbentuk ptechiae echimosa. Perdarahan seperti itu juga terdapat pada usus dan ginjal. Pada organ hati dan paruparu ditemukan infiltrasi sel radang terutama netrofil, makrofag, sel hepatosit nekrosa, eksudat fibrin, dan trombus dalam pembuluh darah.

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