
This article introduces the Masculinities Representations Inventory (MRI), English version, as a multidimensional measure of gender (re)presentation. It provides structural, convergent, and divergent validity, as well as reliability evidence, in support of its use among English speakers in South Africa. Principal components analysis with a male student sample ( n = 319) confirms the measure’s construct multidimensionality. Three factors inform a 29-item total- and subscale measure, including dominant Representations of Othering (Anti-Effeminacy and Homo-Negativity), Responsibility (Dependability and Success), and Control (Dominance and Toughness). Evidence of convergent validity is seen in predicted patterns of correlation between MRI scale scores and those of the Male Role Norms Inventory as well as Gender Role Conflict Scales. Evidence of divergent validity is apparent in nonsignificant correlations, in all but one case (Masculinity), with the Personal Attributes Questionnaire scale scores.

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