
To identify aspects of masculinity that could be associated with vulnerability to HIV among heterosexual men. A qualitative survey was conducted among bus drivers and members of the Work Accident Prevention Committee of a public transportation company in São Paulo city, Brazil. Ten individual interviews and four safe sex workshops were tape-recorded and transcribed, and their contents were categorized and discussed in thematic blocks: sexuality, infidelity, condom use, and sexually transmitted diseases and Aids. Aspects that make heterosexual men more vulnerable to HIV are as follows: feeling strong and immune to disease; engaging in impetuous, risky behaviors; inability of refusing a woman; belief that men need sex more than women do and that their sexual desire cannot be controlled. Men's infidelity is considered a natural behavior while women's infidelity is a result of to her partner's inaptitude. It's up to men to make the decision of using or not condom and women can only ask them to use it in order to avoid pregnancy. The refusal to use condoms is related to: aesthetical and economical reasons, fear of failing erection, loss of sensibility for both men and women. Interviewees do not consider themselves vulnerable to either HIV or STDs and have little knowledge about the modes of infection. An aspect that favors prevention in this population men are expected to be responsible and good providers for their families. Thus condom use could be advocated as a contraceptive method and to avoid "bringing diseases home". It is important to know the different conceptions of masculinity to be able to intervene as they are related to increased vulnerability to HIV and could lead a way to better promoting prevention in this population.


  • Casos de Aids notificados entre homens brasileiros nos quais a provável transmissão foi a atividade sexual heterossexual passaram de 7%, em 1990, para 27,4%, em 1999,2 apontando a necessidade de investigar estratégias de educação e prevenção do HIV/ Aids entre homens heterossexuais.[10,17]

  • Considerando que, em 1996, a quarta categoria profissional em mortalidade porAids na cidade de São Paulo foi a de motoristas,[15] e aproveitando a possibilidade de trabalhar o tema com a Comissão Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes (Cipa) de uma empresa de transportes coletivos no Município de São Paulo, em que 98% dos funcionários são homens, o estudo foi desenvolvido visando a investigar o que motoristas e integrantes da Cipa consideram atributos masculinos e o que pensam das relações entre homens e mulheres, buscando perceber os aspectos que os tornam mais expostos e os que os tornam mais protegidos em relação ao HIV

  • Reported changes in sexual behavior in response to AIDS in the United States

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Masculinidade e vulnerabilidade ao HIV

Keywords Men. Heterosexuality. Vulnerability. HIV. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, prevention & control. Knowledge, attitudes, practice. Sexuality. Condoms. Sexually transmitted diseases, prevention & control. Risk factors. HIV infections, prevention & control. Gender.

Faixa salarial
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Doenças sexualmente transmissíveis
Não usar camisinha Ter várias parceiras
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