
In any given 12-month period, Maryland ranks 27th among all states and the District of Columbia in estimated new cases of oral cancer. The state also has the seventh highest overall mortality rate for oral cancer. Because of earlier research indicating that Maryland adults had little knowledge and many misconceptions about oral cancer, the authors undertook a study to obtain in-depth information from Maryland adults 40 years of age or older on oral cancer, oral cancer examinations and factors associated with having an oral cancer examination. The authors conducted a qualitative descriptive study using information gathered from three focus groups consisting of nine, 10 and seven adults respectively, and which met at two locations. The authors hired a private focus group research firm, which randomly selected participants from a telephone list of local residents. A professionally trained moderator conducted all focus groups using a semistructured interview guide. Participants were struck by the fact that they rarely hear about this type of cancer. Many said that they never had had an oral cancer examination and did not know there was such a thing. Many participants also reported that they likely would be more comfortable discussing oral cancer with their physicians than with their dentists. These findings provide additional in-depth insights to earlier work about Maryland adults' oral cancer knowledge, opinions and practices. The state plans to use this information to develop educational materials and interventions for the public to promote oral cancer prevention and early detection in Maryland. Extensive public education about oral and pharyngeal cancers should be provided in dental offices and clinics, as well as in mass media of all types. More clinicians should include comprehensive oral cancer screenings in their oral examinations, and they should explain to patients what they are doing when they provide these screenings.

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