
The article presents the figure of a rather less known polish mystic, Sr. Wanda Boniszewska CSA. Her life covered almost the entire twentieth century in which events she participated in while surviving two world wars and the atrocities of communism. Her great strength lies in the extraordinary relationship she had with the Blessed Mother, which grew and developed out of her love for Jesus Christ. The above-mentioned framework presents the various Marian themes from the life and spirituality of Sr. Boniszewska – events and thoughts penned in the spiritual memoir of a Polish nun. The Mariology of this spirituality is grounded on Christology. It is in the perspective of this great love to Christ that a strong and enduring relationship with the Blessed Mother is built, as in accordance with the Catholic tradition. Sr. Wanda Boniszewska who was gifted with a rich personal and spiritual history and story is constantly wating to be discovered.

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