
This paper describes a combined modulation scheme for time hopping ultra wideband (TH-UWB) radio systems based on orthogonal pulse position modulation (OPPM) and bi-orthogonal pulse shape modulation (BPSM). A set of M=2k symbols are constructed by using L = 2l orthogonal pulse positions and N = 2k-l-1 biorthogonal pulses, where k > 1 and l are nonnegative integers such that 0 les l les k-1. The selection of the number of pulse positions and pulses depends on the system performance and the availability of orthogonal pulses with estimable auto-correlation properties. This scheme allows an increase in the number of bits per symbol and consequently, reduces the duration of the pulse repetition interval which is obtain by increasing the number of orthogonal pulses. The proposed scheme achieves higher data rate by using a large number of orthogonal pulses in the same pulse repetition interval. It also reduces the system complexity by half by introducing antipodal version of orthogonal pulses. The proposed transmission scheme is analyzed through computer simulations in a multipath channel using two sets of orthogonal pulses.

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