
In developed capitalist countries, debates over economics of socialism have mostly concentrated on questions of information, incentives, and efficiency in resource allocation. This focus on calculation reflects mainly academic context of these discussions. By contrast, for anti-capitalist movements and post-revolutionary regimes on capitalist periphery, socialism as a form of human development has been a prime concern. A notable example is Ernesto Che Guevara's work on Man and Socialism in Cuba, which rebutted argument that the period of building socialism...is characterized by extinction of individual for sake of state. For Che, socialist revolution is a process in which large numbers of people are developing themselves, and the material possibilities of integral development of each and every one of its members make task ever more fruitful.This article can also be found at Monthly Review website, where most recent articles are published in full.Click here to purchase a PDF version of this article at Monthly Review website.

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