
The trial of Slobodan Milo‰eviç in The Hague on charges of war crimes in Kosovo, and war crimes and genocide in Croatia and Bosnia has, among other things, served to write (or rewrite) the history of the War of Yugoslav Succession (1991–95) and the War for Kosovo (1998–99). Milo‰eviç, acting as his own defence attorney, has used the trial as a forum in which to write an ‘alternative’ history in which he emerges as a martyr for the anti‐globalisation movement and in which it was the French and the Bosnian Muslims, rather than the Serbs, who masterminded the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica. The testimonies of Milan Babiç and General Aleksandar Vasiljeviç provided material helpful to the prosecution, while the general's testimony also included elements useful to Milo‰eviç.

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