
espanolLa Escuela de Salamanca inicio su desarrollo principalmente como una escuela de pensamiento teologico y juridico, y se ocupo efectivamente tambien de analizar los fenomenos economicos, con el objetivo de resolver problemas morales. Entre los fundadores de la economia cientifica del siglo XVI espanol, destaca la figura de Martin de Azpilcueta. Considerando que los desarrollos de la economia implican una actividad humana que opera en el ambito de la libertad, el Doctor Navarro supo integrar correctamente el desarrollo economico analitico junto con el etico-normativo, inspirado en la emergente evolucion del comercio y del credito de su tiempo. Como profesor y humanista de esta Escuela, ocupo un lugar singular, contribuyendo con una serie de elementos necesarios para la formacion del pensamiento economico posterior. En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar los aportes de Martin de Azpilcueta en torno a su original tratamiento sobre la vida economica y el fenomeno de los intercambios, en consonancia con la razon moral. Procederemos, ademas, a mostrar brevemente sus contribuciones en los desarrollos doctrinarios que le siguieron, en el contexto del surgimiento de un nuevo orden economico. EnglishThe School of Salamanca began its development mainly as a school of theological and legal thought, and took responsibility for the analysis of economic phenomena in order to solve moral problems. Among the founders of scientific economy in the 1600’s Spain, the figure of Martin de Azpilcueta really stands out.The consideration of the developments of the economy as implying a human activity that operates in the field of freedom allowed Dr. Navarro to properly integrate the analytical economic development with the ethical-normative one, inspired by the emerging evolution of trade and credit of his time. As a professor and humanist of this School, he held a very special position, providing the necessary elements for the creation of the later economic thought.In this paper, we intend to analyze the contributions of Martin de Azpilcueta regarding his innovative consideration of economic life and the phenomenon of exchanges in accordance with moral reason. We will then proceed to briefly show his contributions to the doctrinal developments that followed him, in the context of the emergence of a new economic order.

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