
Martin Luther and prayer. For decades, not many theologians published on the theme of prayer. The philosophical critique on religion is one reason. A sensible thing to do in times of uncertainty and disorientation is to fall back on the advice of theologians of name who guided the church in the past. Martin Luther is one such theologian. He was a theologian of prayer. Prayer was a pivotal element in his understanding of spirituality. It was also a constitutive factor for his theology. In Luther, we find a respected and reliable teacher on Christian prayer. Luther himself prayed often in the privacy of his home and in public spaces. His life is an example of a praying Christian. He left behind many sermons and publications on prayer. The research on Luther’s theology of prayer is vast. Unfortunately, we have no publications on Luther and prayer in Afrikaans. This is hopefully the first of many to come. The article concentrates on Luther’s practical advice regarding prayer to congregants who joined the Reformation. The advice could also be useful to the South African community that is becoming more and more secularised. In the second part of the article, his theology of prayer is discussed and his Rogationtide sermons are emphasised. His introductions and theology on, especially, John 16 receive attention. Thirdly, as an example of his expositions on prayer, we look at the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer. The relationship between the kingdom and the church is explained.


  • Description: Natie van Wyk is participating in the research project, ‘Justice and Human Dignity

  • Not many theologians published on the theme of prayer

  • Prayer was a pivotal element in his understanding of spirituality

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Martin Luther en gebed

Affiliation: 1Department Church History and Church Polity, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. In the second part of the article, his theology of prayer is discussed and his Rogationtide sermons are emphasised. In hierdie tye van onsekerheid en verwarring sal dit goed wees om Martin Luther se gebedsteologie vir die Afrikaanse leserspubliek daar te stel. Martin Luther se lewe was een van gebed. Dit is daarom nie vreemd dat hy reg deur sy hele loopbaan gereeld oor die tema gebed gepreek en geskryf het nie. Volgens Lindberg (2016:417), is daar in die twintigste eeu ’n enorme hoeveelheid navorsing oor Luther en gebed gedoen (en tragies genoeg, niks in Afrikaans nie). Dit is dus duidelik dat, indien daar tot die hart van sy teologie deurgedring wil word, ’n Afrikaanse Luther-resepsie deeglike aandag aan sy gebedsteologie moet gee. In hierdie artikel word daar eerstens aan Luther se advies vir die vestiging van ’n Protestantse gebedspraktyk aandag gegee. Tweedens word daar aan Luther se gebedsteologie aandag geskenk, Note: HTS 75th Anniversary Maake Masango Dedication

Open Access
Die teologie van gebed
Luther se teologie van Sondag Rogate
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