
Al-Tafsīr al-mawḍū‘ī also referred to as thematic tafsīr was introduced by tafsīr experts in the early 1970s. Following that, this interpretation method evolved through many ways pioneered by al-mawḍū‘ī interpretation luminaries such as al-Farmāwī, al-Kūmmī, ‘Abd al-Sattār, Muṣṭafā Muslim, al-Khālidī, Ziauddin Sardar, and others. Although the technique given by these tafsīr figures intends to generate systematic al-mawḍū‘ī tafsīr literature, these approaches can also be applied to address difficulties in the globalization period. Therefore, this study took the initiative to describe the al-mawḍū‘ī interpretation approach of tafsīr scholars and further discuss these approaches in facing the era of globalization. This study collects data from document sources and analyzes them using the content analysis method. According to the findings of the study, al-mawḍū‘ī tafsīr experts apply basic procedures in al-mawḍū‘ī tafsīr by establishing themes, collecting verses, determining the relationship between verses and themes, and summarizing verses and themes. Meanwhile, the al-mawḍū‘ī interpretation approach can be enabled to address social challenges involving issues of faith, social development, and environmental sustainability in the age of globalization. This study has a great impact on the implementation of establishing a more sustainable community and strengthening civil society’s ambitions.

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