
The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Entry Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI) suite on MSL entry vehicle heatshield has returned pressure, temperature, and thermal protection system (TPS) performance data acquired during entry. This paper presents performance and characterization data of the MEDLI Integrated Sensor Plug (MISP) embedded in Phenolic-Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) heatshield. The sensor is characterized in arc jet facilities at MSL flight relevant conditions. The performance of the Hollow aErothermal Ablation and Temperature (HEAT) sensor in tracking a moving temperature isotherm through the thickness is evaluated. A close agreement between HEAT sensor depth and measured char depth in arc jet samples is also found. The growth of a fence due to Room-Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) bonding agent around MISP plugs, which has significant impact on aerothermal reconstruction, is also quantified. The data presented will be used for improved reconstruction of the aerothermal environment and TPS response using MISP flight data.

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