
The use of any method of family planning by women is often influenced by their husbands. This qualitative study assessed the perception of married men in respect of spousal use of modern contraceptives. Nine focus-group discussions were conducted among consenting married men in the study area. Some participants perceived modern contraceptives as a good way of limiting the number of children by married couples. However, most of them were opposed to a woman initiating the use of family planning method or initiating family planning discussion. The majority were unanimous that allowing a woman to use modern contraceptives gives room for infidelity on the part of the woman. Almost all the discussants posited that it is a mark of disrespect for the man if a woman adopts the use of modern contraceptives without the husband's consent. A good number believed that love, joint decision-making, truthfulness, and trust among couples can help in limiting some of the suspicions and the fears they expressed.

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