
Tamil language is qualified as a good classical language among other languages. Sangam literature reveals the lifestyles and traditions of the ancient Tamil people. Ettuthogai and Pathupaatu in Sangam literature are divided in to internal and external literature in order to explain the social life. In that way, this article is a historical research on anthropological virtue. The culture of Tamil people is the best culture when compared to other culture. Marriage is one of the rituals and it was formed on the basis of social order. In the Sangam literature, the marriage system is in a position to realize the unique culture of the people. Marriage in Tamil Literature. In the works of Tamil literature there are many words for marriage such as 'Thirumanam’, ‘Varaivu’, ‘Vathuvai’, ‘Karppu’. Tolkappiyar mentions eight types of marriages in his book Tolkappiyam. Chastity is very important in Tamil marriage system. Hospitality, greeting the elders, marriage rituals play a very important role in Tamil marriages. But there are no priests in marriage ceremonies. But nowadays the marriage takes place with the priests who recites many mantras. Some traditional practices like, if a woman come forward with a pot filled with water then it is considered as good omen is still practiced today. Also, in marriages more importance to the women who have given birth to children. Thus, the article explores all these kinds of traditional system followed in marriages.

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