
Abstract In Pakistan, female have been facing numerous challenges during search of best marriage proposal. Over the globe ideal beauty standards have been implicated for female which might be negatively influence their mental and physical health. Findings of the current study analyzed the differences in perception, thoughts, exposure and feelings of individuals regarding their personal or physical appearance and society’s positive or negative influences over their perception while looking for marriage proposal. The present study identified the in-depth experience or perception of individual through interviews of 12 females who have been rejected in different marriage proposals and who have been perceived the social norms and cultural barriers that female have been facing all around them while searching for life partner. When females’ perception were analyzed through content analyses technique, 8 major themes identified followed by initial coding and sub-themes i.e. self-perception, societal pressure, self-care/ beauty charmer, rejection factors, media networking, psychological issues, gender Differences, and self V/S society. About 15 major themes emerged from the analysis of responses of the participants who had gone through with typical rejection process during marriage proposal were as following; self-perception, societal pressure, selection criteria, religious perspective, beauty standards, rejection factor, social comparison/ responsibilities, psychological issues, socialization, socio-economic comparison, social networking, self v/s society, marriage proposal, gender difference, and culture. The study came into limelight the religious aspects of beauty that is universal and standardized, that was created by the almighty Creator of each and everything which is beautiful and complete in its all aspects. Also, the issues that have been created for females due to socio-cultural expectation believes regarding ideal beauty standards which imparted psychological and physical consequences that were usually negative or detrimental for female health and well-being. The rejection has been basically announced on the basis of typical selection criteria formulated by specific class and followed within that social circle. Key words: marriage proposal, self-perception, societal pressure, selection criteria, religious perspective, beauty standards, rejection factor, gender difference

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