
This study aims to explore the implementation of marriage guidance services (hereinafter referred to as “BINWIN”) as one of the programs of the Mayong District Office of Religious Affairs and the Sakinah Family Service Center. The study seeks to examine the inhibiting and supporting factors affecting the implementation of the BINWIN program by obtaining a comprehensive picture of the program as a policy issued by the Ministry of Religious Affairs to prevent the practice of Siri (unregistered) marriages and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors influencing the implementation of the program. The results of implementing the Marriage Guidance Service (BINWIN) at the Mayong District Office of Religious Affairs, Jepara Regency, indicated that the supporting factor is having the legal umbrella of Regulation No. 373 of the Director-General of Islamic Community Guidance of 2017, subsequently amended by Regulation No. 379 of the guidance of 2018, concerning pre-marriage guidance for prospective husbands and wives. The BINWIN program was restricted during the Covid-19 pandemic and was unable to give maximal support for prospective marriage couples; due to the pandemic, BINWIN could only be carried out individually without face-to-face meetings. Prospective couples working in companies and factories faced difficulties obtaining permission to attend the BINWIN program; thus, the program has not yet become a mandatory prerequisite for marriage. The time has come to declare the BINWIN certificate a prerequisite for marriage registration. Rights in Gender-Responsive Families need to be included in BINWIN materials. However, the number of facilitators trained by nationally certified instructors is still lacking. A minimal budget for BINWIN is currently sourced from the DIPA of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. It is expected that additional funds will be available within the funding ceiling for the future activities of BINWIN.

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