
The objective of the research was to find out the reference to alternative rhetoric by digging up markobar as the value of local wisdom implemented in Mandailing ethnicity that uses markobar culture as a local wisdom in communicating in a formal forum. This research used communicative ethnography method. It was conducted at Kelurahan Pasar Maga, Lembah Sorik Merapi Sub-district, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia. The event or the Markobar activity as the object of the research was the Mandailing traditional wedding ceremonies. The research subjects were the informants who got involved in the interaction in the traditional communicative activity, Markobar. The data were gathered by conducting literature study, participants’ observation, and in-depth interviews. The gathered data were analyzed by using Milles and Hubberman model, consisted of Collecting Data; Data Display; Data reduction; Conclusion Drawing; and Evaluation. This model is referred to 8 (eight) components of Hymes; namely, SPEAKING rhetorical analysis. Empirical data found in the fieldwork would be connected in order to develop Markobar as a traditional local wisdom based-rhetorical model. The result of the research showed that in order to master Markobar, one had to understand Dalihan na Tolu and Tutur. In Markobar, rhetorical narration is deductive. This speech (Markobar) has to be presented with full of carefulness, especially in selecting the appropriate words and utterances. The speaking method in it is highly emphasized on the aspect of tenderness, either in intonation or in diction. As a genre, it is an art of speaking which is aimed to attract sympathy; its narration is intended to attract the attention of the listeners and to be successful in achieving its goal. The model developed is AHLI HORAS, an acronym of Akhlak (morals), Ilmu (science), Hormat (homage), and Rasional (rationality).
 Received: 16 October 2020 / Accepted: 25 January 2021/ Published: 5 March 2021

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