
The article is devoted to features of the geological structure of Bazhenov formation. The rocks of Bazhenov formation were dissected according to the data of a limited complex of well testing. The presented method is based on qualitative signs of changes in the registered curves, which have a pronounced character of changing values comparable to changes in the spectrometric composition of rocks, paleontological characteristics, the facies situation of sedimentation and secondary post-sedimentation processes occurring in Bazhenov deposits. During the analysis and development of the algorithm, the basic marking horizons were identified, which took into account the main lithological and metamorphic features of the formation's deposits. The presented method of marking differs slightly from the usual lithotypisation of a well section. Its simplicity makes sense to use the minimum amount of available information with the possibility of selecting and testing the most productive intervals of the formation. Successfully conducted testing of algorithms works in two deposits of the different genesis of the sediments, the data obtained are compared are presented with the detailed lithological characteristics selected by the core and the tested wells.

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