
This chapter continues the exploration of the business environment in Greece, by focusing on marketing practices. It starts with the presentation of the environment within which marketing agencies operate and marketing professionals offer their services. Trying to provide as comprehensive a picture as possible of the situation in Greece, the first section provides details of the advertising spending among different media. Bearing in mind that the majority of companies in Greece are either small or medium in size, the discussion moves on to the problems that marketing agencies face as a result of the peculiarities of the marketing environment in Greece. At the same time, practices which marketing agencies could follow in order to transform these challenges into competitive advantages are identified. Further sections refer to innovative marketing practices for the Greek market, namely, e-marketing and mobile marketing activities. The chapter ends with a discussion of the corporate social responsibility of marketing activities in Greek companies.KeywordsCorporate Social ResponsibilityMarketing StrategyCorporate Social Responsibility ActivityMarketing ActivityMarketing CampaignThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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