
The present study examined the marketing system of maize in Gaibandha district of Bangladesh. In the study area, farmer, Faria, 1 wholesaler, Aratdar 2 and feed mill were the market participants. Marketing of maize started from farmers and reached to the feed mills through different channels. Farmers did not take part in processing activities. Van 3 , Votvoti 4 , pick-up, truck and by-cycle were the common modes of transportation. Market information was collected through mobile phone, personal visit to the market, discussion with fellow farmers and traders. Price of maize was determined through the supply and demand situation of the market. The marketing cost per 100 kg maize for Farias, wholesalers and Aratdars were Tk. 61.48, Tk. 122.75, and Tk. 96.80, respectively. Cost of marketing for wholesalers was the highest among all intermediaries and the lowest for Farias. The marketing cost incurred by all intermediaries was Tk. 281.03 per 100 kg maize. Transportation cost was the highest (46.42%) and information search cost was the lowest (1.35%) of the total marketing cost. Knowledge about marketing system is needed for farmers and other market participants to do their business better.

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