
Mie Gacoan is a growing culinary business in Bogor. Mie Gacoan offers a menu of noodles with different levels of spiciness depending on what the customer wants. This type of noodle food is increasingly popular in society, especially among the younger generation. In conditions of solid commercial competition, many businesses must prioritize consumer satisfaction so that consumers remain loyal and do not start consuming competitors’ products. This can only be achieved if customer satisfaction is achieved. Several dimensions, including product quality dimensions and service quality dimensions, can measure customer satisfaction. Therefore, this paper’s objectives are: (1) to analyze the decision-making process of Gen Z as consumers of Mie Gacoan Bogor City. (2) to analyze the level of consumer satisfaction of Mie Gacoan in Bogor City. This research uses questionnaires to collect data by interviewing Generation Z as Mie Gacoan consumers to obtain information. It uses the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) as a research method. Based on research, the CSI value obtained is 89.7%, which states that the level of customer satisfaction is delighted based on the analysis of the level of satisfaction with CSI calculations.

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