
Integrating technology in agricultural marketing has marked a transformative milestone in Tamil Nadu, where agriculture is a cornerstone of the economy. The National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) has redefined traditional methods, creating a unified national market for agricultural commodities. This study focuses on marketing selected agricultural products through e-NAM in Tamil Nadu, analyzing trade records from 2017 to 2021, and forecasting up to 2025-2026. Focusing on efficiency and transparency, the study explores the impact of e-NAM on the agricultural trade market. Secondary data spanning 2017-2021 from the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, and the National Agricultural Market were collected and analyzed using charts and forecasting methods. Trade records for arrived and traded lots, quantities, and values in Tamil Nadu displayed consistent growth. The arrival of lots increased steadily, reflecting potential market expansion. Traded lots and quantities showcased dynamic growth, indicating an expanding trade market. Forecasted values predict a positive trajectory with continuous growth up to 2025-2026. The study underscores the transformative impact of e-NAM in Tamil Nadu. The positive trade quantity and value trends reveal a dynamic and expanding market. Forecasted projections suggest sustained growth, emphasizing the role of the platform in enhancing market efficiency and economic development. While optimistic, acknowledging external factors is crucial for stakeholders to navigate potential challenges. The success of e-NAM exemplifies technologies transformative power in fostering sustainable development in the Tamil Nadu agrarian sector.

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