
Instagram account @jajanangarut is one of the most popular culinary accounts for peope in Garut. This account is handled by a guy named Boby. The reason why Bobby was making this acoount is because he loves to buy and eat the food. Unpredictablely, because of account @jajanangarut people in Garut more knowing the food store and culinary in Garut, not only for people for who live in Garut but also for people in other cities. In account @jajanangarut there are marketing mix that is product, price, place. This research is limited in marketing mix, promotion mix and Word Of Mouth (WOM) as communication media. The aim of this research is to know marketing mix that is done by @jajanangarut Instagram account, and to know Word Of Mouth (WOM) as communication media of @jajanangarut Instagram account. The method of this research is qualitative with case study approach. Subject of this research is information from Boby as the owner of account @jajanangarut. Collecting data technique that is done in this research are using, interview, and literary review. The result of this research is the use marketing mix in account @jajanangarut Has included various types of food and beverages at varying prices to various locations. The promotion mix of Instagram @ jajanangarut account includes several events, direct marketing and Word Of Mouth (WOM) as the most powerful communication medium of any incoming comment.

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