
By using quantitative research methods and deductive reasoning, this research paper aims to address the importance of four marketing mix components (4Ps) on purchase decisions of customers of Apple Inc., by launching a survey in Hanoi, Vietnam to generate primary data. The chosen sampling technique is quota sampling and several ‘quotas’ were built. The research result indicated that Apple has been quite successful in applying their marketing mix strategies to influence customers’ purchase decision in Hanoi, as the questionnaire show positive results; however, only iPhone, iPad and Apple services are popular, while other products have been being used only by a minority. Moreover, with the hypothetical analysis using SPSS 20.0, the research has found that there is evidence proving the impacts of marketing mix strategies of Apple on purchase decision of Vietnamese customers in Hanoi, Vietnam (H1 was supported). Further, the applied t-test revealed that there is no statistical difference between males and females and between single and married respondents in purchase decision (H2a, H2b were unsupported). We also can say that the one-way, between-subjects analysis of variance successfully revealed reliable effects of age on purchase decision (H2c was supported). Other implications of the research and limitations were also discussed below.

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