
Abstract The Special Region of Yogyakarta has the potential to develop organic rice, both from organic rice production and the organic rice market. JOSS Organic Rice is a superior organic rice product in the Special Region of Yogyakarta because it is a pilot project in the Kulon Progo Regency Government program. This research aims to analyze consumer preferences and marketing strategies based on the marketing mix for JOSS (Jatisarono Organik Sehat Sejahtera) Organic Rice market in Yogyakarta. Consumer preferences refer to people or groups’ personal likes, desires, and tendencies when they choose between various goods, services, or experiences. Marketing mix consists of four attributes, there are attributes product, price, place and promotion. Marketing mix analysis is carried out using descriptive analysis, using a combination of primary and secondary data analysis methods to identify factors that influence the analysis of each variable in the marketing mix. Primary data was obtained through direct surveys of consumers, while secondary data was obtained from previous research, regional statistical data and company data. The result of research shows that consumer preferences for JOSS organic rice are still dominant in product attributes and affordable price attributes. Based on marketing mix analysis, it shows that organic rice consumers in the DIY region prefer product attributes that have a bright white bright white color with total 36 consumers (76.6%) and rice which has a high level of rice integrity with total 44 consumers (93.6%). Place attributes of rice are easy to get in shops and supermarkets. Affordable price attributes and many price choices according to packaging weight. Organic rice is placed at the introductory stage in the product life cycle. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide important insights for JOSS Organic Rice producers and other organic rice business actors to pay more attention to the current condition of their products so they can implement more effective and sustainable marketing strategies to support growth. organic rice industry in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

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