
The current research aims to identify the dimensions of marketing culture represented by (service quality, diversity, rationality, internal relations, and innovation), and its role in enhancing competitive advantage in companies in general, especially service ones, by addressing the research problem represented by the following questions: Are the dimensions of marketing culture available in the researched company? What are the relationships and the impact relationship between marketing culture and competitive advantage?, and research hypotheses were formulated, including There is a significant correlation between marketing culture and competitive advantage at the macro and micro level at the level of significance 0.05, and there is a significant effect of marketing culture on the competitive advantage at the level of morale 0.05 The descriptive-analytical method was used, as a sample of (70) employees working in the Nowruz company, which provides Internet services in Dohuk governorate, was selected. A questionnaire was designed to collect data, and its paragraphs were analyzed to test the research hypotheses using the SPSS Ver. 24, and the research reached some conclusions, the most important of which were: that the marketing culture is of great importance in companies, especially service ones, being in direct contact with customers, and the research reached several recommendations, the most important of which were: the need to pay attention to marketing culture as it reflects the identity of the company and its positionamong competing companies In the market.


  • A questionnaire was designed to collect data, and its paragraphs were analyzed to test the research hypotheses using the SPSS Ver. 24, and the research reached some conclusions, the most important of which were: that the marketing culture is of great importance in companies, especially service ones, being in direct contact with customers, and the research reached several recommendations, the most important of which were: the need to pay attention to marketing culture as it reflects the identity of the company and its position among competing companies In the market

  • ‫الثقافة التسويقية ودورها في تعزيز الميزة التنافسية‪ /‬دراسة‬ ‫استطلاعية في شركة نوروز المزودة لخدمات الانترنت في مدينة‬

  • ‫تأتي أهمية البحث من أهمية موضوعات الثقافة التسويقية والميزة التنافسية‪ ،‬فضلا عن أهمية المشكلة‬ ‫المطروحة آنفا‪ ،‬إذ لم تسبق د ارسة في إيجاد العلاقة الارتباطية والتأثيرية بين متغيري البحث الذي أولاهما‬ ‫الباحثون اهتماما في د ارستهم والخروج بنتائج مفيدة تستفاد منها الشركات الخدمية لاسيما المزودة لخدمات‬ ‫الانترنت‪ ،‬والتي كثر انتشارها في الآونة الأخيرة في ظل التوسع السوقي للاتصالات والانترنت‪ ،‬وكذلك العمل‬ ‫على تلبية حاجات الزبون ورغباته‪ ،‬لأن خدمات الانترنت باتت من الضروريات الواجب توف ارها في الحياة‬

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‫الثقافة التسويقية ودورها في تعزيز الميزة التنافسية‪ /‬دراسة‬ ‫استطلاعية في شركة نوروز المزودة لخدمات الانترنت في مدينة‬. ‫‪ .1‬هل هناك علاقة ارتباط معنوية بين الثقافة التسويقية بأبعادها والميزة التنافسية في الشركة‬ ‫المبحوثة؟‬

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