
The aim of the article. The purpose of this article is to specify and update the categorical apparatus respecting Internet marketing, based on the authors' approach to the classification of integrated marketing communications on the Internet. Furthermore, the authors determine key indicators of success in the implementation of integrated promotion models at enterprises. Analyses results. The article is designed to research the essence of the categories "Internet marketing" and "Internet communication". These categories were analyzed and clarified from the perspective of their systematic connection. The article specifies and identifies the key features of marketing communications in the Internet environment and indispensable factors to form a synergistic effect of the use of communication channels for product promotion. The process of marketing communications in the Internet environment has been analyzed. The authors formed the classification model of integrated marketing communications in the Internet environment based on the functional approach. The main advantages and disadvantages of certain promotion tools in the Internet environment are studied. The key factors that determine the need to use tools of different levels of integration have been identified. Conclusions and directions for further research. The results of the research are the following: 1) while in public practice categories of “Internet marketing” and “Internet communication” are treated as similar concepts, they have drastic quality and quantity differences in their composition and functional purpose; 2) the main features of modern Internet communications are the omnichannel nature of their direction, the dynamism of types and formats, the high potential for integration, wide opportunities for evaluating efficiency, and enhanced communication with the electronic trade system; 3) among different approaches to integrate marketing communications from the traditional market to the Internet, the authors suggest the functional approach that involves the distribution of Internet marketing communications according to a three-level model; 4) before implementing the IMC system, the enterprise must consider its marketing capabilities, as well as the condition of the marketing activities’ external environment. The general marketing strategy of the enterprise's development must govern the system of economically feasible IMC to bring the most efficient results of the same. Further research within the framework of this topic may be related to evaluating the effectiveness of implementing integrated marketing communications on the Internet.

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