
The focus of this research was to identify and describe the marketing communication strategy of Tangan Kanan Bandung Convection in improving brand image among consumers through social media Instagram @tangankanan.bdg. The purpose of this research was to determine the message conveyed, the development of the promotional mix and the evaluation carried out. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method using data collection techniques, namely in-depth interviews and participant observation. Through purposive sampling technique, obtained two key informants and three supporting informants. The results showed that the marketing communication strategy carried out by Bandung right-hand convection in improving brand image among consumers through social media Instagram @tangankanan.bdg by conveying messages starting from the content of the message is a form of content that is informative, interactive, soft selling, and hard selling. For the development of the promotional mix using organic advertising, sales promotion by means of promos giveaway, special month promotions, and limited promos in carrying out a public relations approach by means of personal branding of the owners. Evaluations are carried out in a planned manner starting from weekly, monthly, and annual evaluations. Conclusion, the marketing communication strategy through message packaging, promotion mix and periodic evaluation carried out by @tangan right.bdg in improving the company's brand image is appropriate and effective among consumers.Research advice, also be active on other social media such as youtube to reach of a wider consumer

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