
The article analyzes the development of ideas about the composition of intellectual capital and the place of marketing as its source. The key problem is determining the list of features by which the classification of intellectual capital components will be formed. On the basis of a critical analysis of the existing classifications of intellectual capital components, the author's classification was formed on the following grounds: by sources of formation; by subjects or carriers; by functional content; depending on the origin; depending on the degree of controllability; by scope; on the principle of belonging of elements; depending on the stage of the play cycle; depending on the dynamics of their wear and play; by way of storing information; in relation to the process of creating new objects; depending on the degree of identification Keywords: intellectual capital, intellectual capital elements, human capital, capital of relations, organizational capital, marketing. DOI: 10.15276/mdt.3.3.2019.2 Oklander M. A., Lytovchenko I. L., Botushan M. I. (2011) Marketynhovi komunikatsii promyslovykh pidpryiemstv v umovakh informatsiinoi ekonomiky [Marketing communication of industrial enterprises in the information economy]. Odesa: Astroprynt. (in Ukrainian). Saint-Onge H. (1996) Tacit knowledge: the key to the strategic alignment of intellectual capital? Strategy and Leadership, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 10–14. Sveiby K. E. (1997) The New Organizational Wealth. San Francisco: CA. Edvinsson L., Malone M. S. (1997) Intellectual Capital: Realizing your Company’s True Value by Finding its Hidden Brainpower. New York: Harper Business. Brooking A. (1997) Intellectual Capital: Core Asset for the Third Millennium Enterprise. Thomson Business Press, London. Bontis N. (1998) Intellectual capital: an exploratory study that develops measures and models. Management Decision, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 63-76. Gu F, Lev B. (2001) Intangible assets – measurement, drivers, usefulness, working paper. New York: Boston University and New York University, NY. Khalique M., Shaari J. A. N., Isa, A. H. b. M. (2013) The road to the development of intellectual capital theor. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 122-136. FASB NN. (2001) Getting a grip on intangible assets – what they are, why they matter, and who should be managing them in your organization. Harvard Management Update, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 6-8. Shkurupij O. V. (2010) Intelektual'nyj kapital v umovakh stanovlennia postindustrial'noho suspil'stva: imperatyvy hlobal'noho ekonomichnoho rozvytku ta oriientyry dlia Ukrainy [Intellectual capital in educational institutions of post-industrial content: imperatives of global economic circles and organizations of Ukraine]. Poltava: RVV PUET. (in Ukrainian). Schultz T. W. (1981) Investing in People: the Economics of Population Quality. CA: University of California, Berkeley and Los Angeles. Roos J., Roos G., Dragonetti N., Edvinsson L. (1997) Intellectual capital: Navigating in the New Business Landscape. New York: New York University Press, NY. Corrado C., Hulten C., Sichel D. (2009) Intangible capital and US economic growth. Review of income and wealth, no. 55(3), pp. 661-685. Bueno E., Salmador M. P., Rodriguez O., Catro G. M. D. (2006) Internal logic of intellectual capital: a biological approach. Journal of Intellectual Capital, no. 7(3), pp. 394-405. Sobko O. M. (2014) Intelektual'nyj kapital pidpryiemstva: kontseptualizatsiia–funktsionuvannia–rozvytok [Intellectual capital of the enterprise: conceptualization-functioning-development]. Ternopil': Krok. (in Ukrainian). Bontis N. (2001) Assessing knowledge assets: a review of the models used to measure intellectual capital. International Journal of Management Review, no. 3(1), pp. 41-60. Kendiukhov O. V. (2008) Efektyvne upravlinnia intelektual'nym kapitalom [Effective intellectual capital management]. Donets'k: DonUEP. (in Ukrainian). Butnik-Sivers'kyj O. B. (2002) Intelektual'nyj kapital: teoretychnyj aspekt [Intellectual Capital: The Theoretical Aspect]. Intellectual capital, vol. 1, pp. 16-26. (in Ukrainian)


  • The article analyzes the development of ideas about the composition of intellectual capital and the place of marketing as its source

  • The key problem is determining the list of features by which the classification of intellectual capital components will be formed

  • On the basis of a critical analysis of the existing classifications of intellectual capital components, the author's classification was formed on the following grounds: by sources of formation; by subjects or carriers; by functional content; depending on the origin; depending on the degree of controllability; by scope; on the principle of belonging of elements; depending on the stage of the play cycle; depending on the dynamics of their wear and play; by way of storing information; in relation to the process of creating new objects; depending on the degree of identification

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The article analyzes the development of ideas about the composition of intellectual capital and the place of marketing as its source. A group of Indian scientists proposed to divide the IC into 6 components: human, consumer, structural, social, technological, spiritual capital [8].

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