
The world has changed a lot during this time and it still keeps changing. For this reason it sounds logical, that in the midst of these changes marketing faces a lot of challenges. There are new developments and trending issues currently bedeviling marketing in the society. These developing trends in marketing can only be assuaged by adapting marketing as a primary function involving the whole organization - indicating that everybody's hand must be on deck. Therefore, this paper copiously evaluates these trending issues and in doing that both theoretical and exploratory considerations have been applied in this research agendum. Notably, the contemporary organisation can create closer relationships with its customers, because it is able to react to changes quicker. Loyal customers could be called the biggest strength and competitive advantage of the contemporary organisation as they do not compete on price. Therefore, the contemporary organisation should be creating exceptional atmosphere and view marketing as a primary function involving the whole organisation. Obviously, there is the need to adapt integrated marketing that involves everybody in the organisation.

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