
Emerging electricity reforms in the power market aims at removing the monopolistic oligopoly power market and promoting competition in the market by providing opportunities to more producers. This paper seeks to investigate various existing structures of the Power Market. Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) and Power Exchange India Limited (PXIL) facilitates transparent trading of electricity, a larger market spectrum and allows the participation of other players in the market. Market power is an indicator of an non-competitive market, that is increase in the market power will result in the degradation of competition. This research will help modify the current parameters (HHI Index and Concentration ratio) which are used for measuring the market power of the power markets. As there is always deviation in unconstrained cleared volume and actual cleared or scheduled volume, deviation arises due to the volume of electricity that could not be cleared because of congestion in the power exchange. The researchers have also examined the Indian Power market and analyzed different developed power markets of the world like the US Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection (PJM) and the Nordpool.

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