
The advantages of CD ROM as a distribution medium are outlined, and compared with other media, such as print, micro form and electronic information distribution. The present state and growth of the CD ROM market from 1985 to 1987 are analysed, as are information providers in this market. The issuing of second products, and continuing presence in the market, indicate their confidence in CD ROM as a distribution medium. There are other uses of CD including information storage. The future of CD for storage is uncertain, as there are some current disadvantages, and future technologies being developed may replace CD. The market, however, is moving in this direction. Further uses are for software distribution, train ing, and point-of-sale units. The market potential is very high, with a very large growth rate of installed CD drives in the USA. Current sales figures for individual titles compare well with other niche media products. Market penetration has been much slower than for electronic publishing on PCs, a technology with the same timescale. Awareness of CD still has some way to go, but other reasons for non-use are also present in the market. CD has the potential to move electronic information distribution towards the mass market, if end-users take up the technology on a large scale.

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