
The Virtual Enterprise model is an emerging approach to answer to the new requirements of the business environment, relying on dynamically reconfigurable partnerships, with extremely high performances, strongly time- oriented while highly focused on cost and quality, in permanent alignment with the market, and strongly supported by information and communication technology, dictating a paradigm shift face to the traditional organizational models. Reconfiguration dynamics is a main characteristic of this model, which claims for supporting environments implementing a set of functionalities. Some existing technologies can partially support this organizational model, but the reconfiguration dynamics can only by assured by an environment able to managing, controlling and enabling networking and dynamics in virtual enterprise creation/ reconfiguration. The Market of Resources is an environment coping with these requirements. The paper presents and discusses its validity in terms of improving the potential inter-organizational reconfiguration dynamics.KeywordsProduct Life CycleResource ProviderVirtual EnterpriseBrokerage ServiceElectronic MarketplaceThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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