
Based on field materials obtained during ethnic sociological expeditions in 2020-2021 to the regions of the Russian Federation (Belgorod, Voronezh, Omsk regions, Primorsky, Altai Territory), the author defines and characterizes markers of the ethnic identity of Russian-Ukrainian biethnors (commonality of historical fate, commonality of territory, religion, life, family order, norms of behavior, commonality of psychological warehouse, language). According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the commonality of the historical past is the preservation and broadcast of family stories; the commonality of the territory in the broad sense can be considered the territory of the Russian Federation; Orthodoxy acts as a marker of religiosity, as an integral part of the culture of Russian-Ukrainian biethnors; life, family order is determined from the position of perception of identity by respondents, and food as the brightest element; norms of behavior, mentality are defined by different character traits (thrifty, strong, etc.); the language of the group in question is Russian, with the preservation of Ukrainian and Khokhlyak ones in everyday life. Each of the identified markers defines both Russianism and Ukrainism as a component of the double ethnic identity of the group.

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