
In Japan, 41 million blood donations have been screened for hepatitis B virus (HBV) during the past 8.4 years using individual donation nucleic acid amplification testing (ID-NAT) and antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) screening. Transfusion-transmitted HBV infection (TT-HBV) incidence was examined. Donated blood implicated in TT-HBV was analyzed for infection stage and DNA levels. Causative HBV strains were phylogenetically analyzed. Among 5162 (0.013%) ID-NAT positives, window period (WP) and occult HBV infection (OBI) accounted for 3.4% (176) and 11.5% (594), respectively. No OBI-related TT-HBV occurred. Seven blood donations caused eight TT-HBV cases, six of which were in the pre-ID-NAT WP, leaving one with an unresolved infection stage. Seven cases were caused by platelet concentrate (180 mL plasma) and one case by fresh-frozen plasma (200 mL plasma), which contained estimated infectious doses varying between 2 and 2300 HBV virions. HBV subgenotypes in five cases were HBV/A2. Complete genome sequences of the transmitting A2 strains were nearly identical (99.6%-100%) and clustered in a group that included HBV/HIV-1 coinfections and a higher proportion of donors in the acute infection phase (69%) than the other group of HBV/A2 sequences (5%). The incidence of observed TT-HBV cases has significantly reduced to 0.19 per million in the ID-NAT screening period. OBI-related TT-HBV was eliminated by anti-HBc screening. Established TT-HBV cases were caused by blood products with large plasma volumes containing extremely low HBV concentrations derived from blood donors at a very early infection stage.

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