
Meige syndrome is a relatively rare type of oral facial dystonia. The dominant symptoms involve involuntary eye blinking and chin thrusting. Some patients may experience excessive tongue protrusion, squinting, muddled speech, or uncontrollable contraction of the platysma muscle. A 44-year-old Japanese male was suffering from schizophrenia. The initial presentation of his psychosis consisted of auditory hallucinations, delusions of persecution, psychomotor excitement, loosening association, and restlessness. After being prescribed several antipsychotic drugs, risperidone was started and gradually increased to 4 mg/day. The above symptoms were relieved, particularly auditory hallucination and excitement were promptly improved. Persecutory delusion, however persisted, and deteriorated. At one year after the start of this risperidone regimen, he exhibited severe blepharospasm symptoms (increased rate of eye blinking, light sensitivity) and oromandibular symptoms (trismus, jaw pain, dysarthria). He was diagnosed with Meige syndrome. His antipsychotic drug was changed from risperidone to paliperidone. Two months after switching from risperidone to paliperidone, his eye blinking, light sensitivity, jaw pain, and trismus gradually improved, although the dysarthria persisted. Six months after starting paliperidone, his symptoms of Meige syndrome were completely remitted. He has been well without relapse at 12 mg/day of paliperidone. The case suggests that Meige syndrome is relieved by changing from risperidone to paliperidone. The precise mechanism of the relief remains, however, unknown.

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