
A spontaneous oscillation of the white blood cell count was observed in a 58 year old man with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Similar cyclic variations were noted in the platelet and reticulocyte counts with no apparent alterations in marrow cellularity to account for such changes. Since direct correlation was noted between white blood cells, platelets, and reticulocyte counts versus spleen size, it suggests that splenic hemopoiesis may be responsible for these cyclic changes. A possible inverse relationship between colony-stimulating factor (CSF) activity and the white blood cell count was noted, suggesting that CSF may be the humoral agent controlling granulocyte production. A direct correlation between the white blood cell count and serum unsaturated vitamin B 12 binding capacity (UBBC) and lysozyme was also noted and further supports the concept that the latter two are measures of the granulocyte pool and metabolism. An inverse relationship between CSF activity and the UBBC suggests that these may be two different entities. Finally a modified form of standard chemotherapy may be effective in inducing remission in cases of CML with marked cyclic leukocytosis-leukopenia.

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