
AbstractLength‐at‐age data are commonly used to describe growth of fish, and obtaining these data typically involves estimating ages from calcified structures (e.g., fin spines or rays, otoliths, or cleithra). Verifying the accuracy of age and growth estimates for long‐lived fish is often difficult because known‐age fish are not available for all ages in a population. Mark–recapture methods offer nonlethal alternatives for estimating growth of fish that do not require age data. However, few studies have compared growth trajectories estimated from mark–recapture data with trajectories estimated using the standard von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) incorporating length‐at‐age data from known‐age fish. We used a robust data set of Muskellunge Esox masquinongy sampled from Green Bay, Lake Michigan, during 1990–2018 to compare growth trajectories estimated from three mark–recapture models and a VBGF fitted to length‐at‐age data from known‐age individuals. Growth trajectories estimated with mark–recapture models were similar to trajectories estimated with a VBGF using known‐age fish. Our results suggest that using recapture of tagged fish provides a viable alternative for describing Muskellunge growth trajectories compared with using ages estimated from calcified structures, where incorrect age estimates represent an additional source of error.

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