
The GPU computing has recently opened news efficient ways for radar simulation. For small target detection and for advanced processings such as imagery SAR/ISAR, the simulation of realistic raw data is crucial. It concerns maritime patrol applications from unmanned and manned platforms, such as presented in [1]. The aim of this paper is to present works driven by DGA and to illustrate the recent progress and capabilities offered by two recent tools: — “MOCVIEW” for target raw data generator of maritime scenes (using “MOCEM” model [2] of the ship). — “PHYS_IQ” for clutter radar IQ signal generator. Maritime scenes need to take into account: — For the target, realistic 3D ship models with right Electromagnetic (EM) materials, ship motions — For the sea clutter, it is essential to deal with the grazing angle challenge or effects associated to High sea states (shadows, sea spikes, heavy tail distributions) [3].

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