
The modern process of teaching the professionals, who are able to solve their occupational problems, should provide not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of thinking, self-determination, skilled workers’ readiness for independent action, ability to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Currently, the most common language for international communication is English. English for Professional Purposes has a significant impact on the formation of a modern maritime transport specialist due to the expansion of international contacts in the maritime industry with foreign companies’ representatives, the development of new foreign technologies. There is a need for competent professionals who speak a foreign language adequately as a means of solving industrial problems, taking into account the specifics of the intercultural communication. Therefore, the level of English language determines the success of the navigator operation, his career growth, ensuring the safety of navigation. This article characterizes the features of teaching a foreign language in maritime institutions of higher education; the existing views on the content of the discipline "English for Professional Purposes" are analysed; the importance of teaching maritime English to ensure the safety of navigation is considered, the terms “Professionally Oriented English”, “English for Academic Purposes” and “English for Occupational Purposes” are defined. English for Professional Purposes refers to the language and related practices that people need for studying or work in a higher education system in English language. Thus, the purpose of the English for Professional Purposes course is to help such people to learn some linguistic and cultural practices related to learning or working in English. English for Academic Purposes is often considered a type of English for Specific Purposes along with English for Professional Purposes and English for Occupational Purposes, in which the education content clearly corresponds to the language, practice and study requirements of students. Key words: professionally oriented English, English for educational / academic purposes, English for professional purposes, maritime safety, navigation, misunderstandings.

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