
The marriage is a universal institution which unites the male and female under one roof. This institution of the marriage is also responsible for the formation of another social institution i.e. the family. Therefore the institution of the marriage is considered as the prime and first social institution among other social institutions. The institution of marriage is also regulating the sexual behaviour of the married couple. During the present days, the literacy rate of female is increasing and due to that their economic participation outside the family is also increasing. The census data of 2011 reveals that 59.3 per cent of the rural women engaged themselves as self-employed and 5.6 per cent of urban women engaged themselves in the salaried jobs. The women who engaged themselves in any job either self or salaried before marriage they won’t face any problems but after marriage they face lot of problems because they have to look after their household tasks and also their career. The effective participation of the married women in their career depends on the adjustment of their husband and in-laws. The present study aims to understand the amount of marital adjustment of married women in Salem District of Tamil Nadu. For the purpose of the present study 50 married women have been selected by using purposive sampling method and their responses have been recorded with the help of interview schedule. The results show that the married women are enjoying less amount of marital adjustment.

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