
Marine proxies are the most prominent tools in the history of the monsoon. Palaeomonsoon is the seasonalmovement of wind belts and differential heating of land and water caused by the interaction between theocean and atmosphere. The Indian monsoon is distinct from other monsoon systems in terms of its focalpoints, associated air masses, and mechanism for precipitation. It has two distinct phases: the southwestmonsoon (June to September), which brings the majority of the precipitation to India and the northeastmonsoon (November to February). The tropical monsoon has been proposed as a major modulator of thenorthern hemisphere climate and a major player at the end of the last ice age. Monsoon rainfall is recorded insediments deposited on the ocean floor from the Arabian Sea region. Humidity and temperature are measuredthrough physical and chemical parameters, and isotopic compositions are used to understand temperature,atmospheric composition, and ocean salinity. Microfossil assemblages and abundances of species are alsoimportant indicators of how physical and chemical factors affect biota.

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