
A total of 44 nematode taxa were encountered in an examination of six collections of marine nematodes from the Minas Basin – Scots Bay area of the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia. Of these only 16 were sufficiently represented by adequate specimen material to permit proper species identification. Fifteen species were identified as being European species while one is described as new to science. Haliplectus cylindrocaudatus n. sp. differs from other Haliplectus spp. by its cylindrical tail terminus. Ptycholaimellus Cobb, 1920 is reestablished as a valid genus and is considered distinctive in that the cephalic setae are inserted on a protrusile vestibular region. Hypodontolaimus monodon Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1942 is transferred to this genus. Mesotheristus Wieser, 1956 is defined as having lateral alae and the male of the type species, M. setosus, as possessing two opposed and outstretched testes. Daptonema fimbriatum Cobb, 1920 and Theristus (Trichotheristus) erectus Wieser and Hopper, 1967 are transferred to Mesotheristus. Theristus (Cylindrotheristus) oxyuroides Schuurmans Stekhoven sensu Wieser and Hopper, 1967 is renamed Cylindrotheristus miamiensis n. sp.

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